Sunday, July 19, 2009

some screenings!

If you're in Brooklyn or Manhattan this weekend, check out "Alpha-9!" screening at some really awesome animation festivals!

Fri, July 24th, 8pm — Pat Smith's CARTOONS FROM HELL in Manhattan at the 92YTribeca Screening Room! This is a culmination of lots of really professional animators, and is a guaranteed good time. Tickets are ten bones.
Tickets and info here.

Sun, July 26th, 4:30pm and 9:15pm — Animation Block Party in Brooklyn at BAMcinĂ©matek! This is a 3-day BK animation festival, with cool stuff all days, so come out for all the events! This screening is $11 online and I heard that it could very easily sell out.
Tickets and info here.

Also if you're in the Woodstock area the first weekend in October, you should swing by! My film just got accepted there!

And, if you're in the Transylvania area over the weekend of the 31st of July (Lazarea Judetul Hargita, Romania), stop into the Muuuvi Festival for a weekend of music and my film thrown in somewhere in there.

Anyways, that's it for now! Here's a drawing I did with some bright colors that I'm beginning to find very hard to look at.


JDW said...

Nice to hear thatthe film is getting more exposure. I'm curious if your film will be the only one at Animation Block Party not loaded with explicit material; cause Marty showed us the DVD from what I believe was last year's show, and most of it was just rotoscoped porn...

jake armstrong said...

yeah, it's pretty true for the most part. abp can be pretty raunchy, but if you weed through the violence and poop jokes there are some really amazing shorts thrown in.

still yeah, i probably fit in a little that i have some blood in it.

Shelley said...

WHY is cartoons from hell the same night as animation block opening night. :[

Joseph Lee said...

Great freakin' image! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow great info and great blog thanks for the posting keep moving ahead............

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Alex_Munguia said...

Congrats on ur recent success, im a fan of Alpha-9 and a student of animation at the Art Institute of Las Vegas.I very much LOVE the Design and style of your short, so much so that im going to study your drawings...Would you mind sharing whos design habits it was that you closely studied and where influenced most by? Anyway---GOOD LUCK on future endeavours.

jake armstrong said...
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jake armstrong said...

Thanks guys!

Alex: I really appreciate it! That's a way big compliment, though you should definitely go to the sources to see the really cool stuff. The two main ones were Thomas Herpich and Ghostshrimp. I'm kind of really all about their characterizations. Good luck on your studies!

Alex_Munguia said...

dope---- Thanks very much.

Alex_Munguia said...

wow- I don't mean to go comment crazy but those guys are amazing! once again- Thank you and great animation.

jake armstrong said...

haha yeah they really are awesome.

also check out the adventure time blog on frederator. you sometimes see stuff by each of them on it.

Jonathan Edwards said...

Just discovered your blog through a link on Warwick Johnson Cadwell's. Alpha-9 is incredible! Fantastic work. It looks beautiful.